Environmental Problems In Sri Lanka.

Compared to other countries in the world, the environmental problems affecting Sri Lanka are minimal, but at present, these problems are gradually growing.  Among the environmental problems seen in Sri Lanka at present, the following are the main ones.


Deforestation and the clearing of land for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure projects have led to the loss of precious forest cover in Sri Lanka. This has negative consequences for biodiversity and the environment.

Water Pollution: 

Pollution of rivers and water bodies is a significant issue. Industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and inadequate waste management contribute to water pollution, affecting both aquatic life and human health.

Air Pollution: 

Increasing vehicular emissions and industrial activities have led to air pollution in urban areas. This has health implications for the population and contributes to climate change.

Waste Management: 

The management of solid waste, particularly in urban areas, is a challenge. Inefficient waste disposal methods, such as open dumping and burning, lead to environmental degradation and health risks.

Loss of Biodiversity: 

Habitat destruction and deforestation threaten Sri Lanka's unique biodiversity. Conservation efforts are critical to protect endangered species and ecosystems.

Coastal Erosion: 

Coastal areas in Sri Lanka are experiencing erosion due to various factors, including sea-level rise and unsustainable development practices. This poses a threat to coastal communities and ecosystems.

Climate Change: 

Sri Lanka is vulnerable to climate change impacts, including more frequent and severe droughts, floods, and extreme weather events. These affect agriculture, water resources, and overall resilience.

         Efforts are being made by the Sri Lankan government and various organizations to address these environmental challenges, including conservation initiatives, sustainable land use practices, and policies to reduce pollution. However, these issues require continued attention and international cooperation to mitigate their long-term effects.


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