Mahamaya Girls' College, Kandy...

                Mahamaya Girl’s College Kandy was founded in 1932 by the Sadhachara Kulangana Samithiya led by Lady Sarah Soysa and Chitravo Ratwatte. The first classroom was in the West Cliffe Bungalow which was bought from Anagarika Dharmapala together with 2.5 acres of land adjoining the property which belonged to Mr. Arthur Fernando. National leaders like Anagarika Dharmapala, D.B. Jayatilaka, P. de S. Kularatna, G.P. Malalasekare and C.W.W. Kannangare also contributed to the college.

Located in the heart of the City of Kandy overlooking the Kandy Lake, Mahamaya Girls’ College is one of Sri Lanka's finest public Buddhist girls' schools. The school is named after Queen Mahamaya, the mother of the Lord Buddha.

There are about 5000 students, 185 female teachers and 15 male teachers. Therevada Buddhism has largely been an integral part of the school's education system, as it is in all Sri Lankan Buddhist public schools. Students are divided among four houses. The housing system is primarily used for sporting events. The houses are Maya, Prajapathi, Sangamittha and Yashodara.

Mahamaya Girls' College is divided into two sections - the primary section and the secondary school section. The primary school which consists of grades 1 through 5 is located near the secondary school. The primary school also looks over the Kandy Lake. The secondary school consists of grades 6 through 13. Each grade has about seven or eight classes, and each class consists of around forty or fifty students.

The school has a very strong education system and has excellent facilities for science, commerce, mathematics, languages and biology A/L schemes. The school consistently produces nationally high-ranking students, evidenced by the all-island positions received by students who sit for the national Ordinary Level and Advanced Level examinations. It has been ranked in the top three over the years among all the girls' schools in Sri Lanka in the preference rankings based on year 5 scholarship examinees' demand.

The school has a number of nationally ranking student-athletes, who are involved in sports ranging from track and field to swimming. In addition to partaking in many national sporting events, the school holds an annual sports-meet, which is an intra-school competition.

The school has a Western Cadet Band, an Eastern music band, a Western music choir and a traditional Sri Lankan dance team. The award-winning Literary, Music and Drama Society of the school constantly partakes in national drama competitions. It is important to note that the first Observational Astronomy Competition in South Asia was organized by the Anandian Astronomical Association of Ananda College, Colombo together with the Astronomical Society of Mahamaya Girls’ College.
           Apart from achieving academic excellence, the school records all round achievements in sports, aesthetic studies, environmental activities and many other fields.

We Tread the path of holiness the ancient Aryan way
We love our school which leads the isle to health, wealth and peace
We worship thee O Sakyan Queen upon our bended knees
As years roll on we'll serve the Mahamaya mother dear
As alma mater you will always be without a peer
With Dhana Seela Bhawana we’ll vanquish every fear
We’ll teach the daughters of Lanka to live without a tear
A new age now has dawned upon our ancient Lanka’s isle
As in king Ashoka’s golden age we are now free from guile
Awake arise O womanhood of every Buddhist land
Be always true to our glorious Dhamma such is truth’s command



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